Sister Mariah McCrea's Contact Information:

Email -

Ukraine Physical Address (For Postal Mail and Packages):

Sister Mariah Sargent McCrea
Ukraine Dnepropetrovsk Mission
Karla Marksa 27A 5th Floor

Note: If you are planning on sending a package to Sis. McCrea, please contact her mom and dad for suggestions on which carrier to use and what to do to avoid package tampering.

Elder Mitchell McCrea's Contact Information:


Brazil Physical Address (For Postal Mail and Packages):

Elder Mitchell McCrea
Brazil Belem Mission
Av. Navare, 532 Sala 412 4 Andar
Navare Royal Trade Center
66040-143 Belem-PA

Note: If you are planning on sending a package to Elder McCrea, please contact his mom and dad for suggestions on which carrier to use and what to do to avoid package tampering.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Pre-Mission, Provo, UT

Monday, February 25, 2013

Mitchell has started a Facebook page entitled "Mitchell McCrea is going on a LDS Mission!  Guess Where?"  He sent in his paperwork to LDS Church headquarters the previous Wednesday, February 20, 2013.  Usually mission calls (assignments) are returned within two weeks.  Guesses on the Facebook site as to where people think Mitchell will be called are numerous...Idaho, Pakistan, North Dakota, Honduras, Nebraska, Iowa, New York City, Texas, Scotland, Ireland, Missouri, Africa, New Zealand, Mexico, Chile, North Carolina, South Korea, Australia, Canada, Hawaii, Japan, India, Portugal, Montana, Peru, California, Oregon, Finland, Germany, The Congo, Ukraine, England, Argentina, Virginia, Oklahoma...and even the Moon.  And a couple of people suggested Brazil....

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pre-Mission, Laredo

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mariah goes to the San Antonio Temple with her mom and dad, to receive her personal endowment.  The next day, Mariah departs to McAllen, Texas for a mini-mission in the Texas McAllen Mission.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pre-Mission, Laredo

February 2, 2013

The envelope containing her mission call arrives in the mail.  Less than 2 weeks since her mission papers were submitted advising all that she wanted to serve an 18 month full time mission.  But the big question is...Where has Mariah been called to?  Many guesses are out there. Some say Cleveland...or Michigan...or South America or someplace where Spanish is spoken.  Mariah is playing it coy...trying to control her emotions...but deep down inside she wants to serve someplace where she can further learn the Russian language.  And the answer is?  Ukraine Dnepropetrovsk Mission, Russian speaking.   "Dne.... what?" is the refrain..."how do you pronounce that name?"  But ol Mariah to the rescue..."it is pronounced 'Dnepropetrovsk'" is her reply.  But where is it located?  A quick search finds this town at the confluence of two rivers, the Dnieper and Samara, close to the Black Sea, on the southern coast of Ukraine.  And then all is silent and all!